
Upcoming Events Spring 2023

Wednesday 15th March sees Other Lives Productions returning to the hall for their performance of ‘The Crazy English Weather’. Tickets are £10 and available by emailing

Our next Bric a Brac Sale is on Saturday 25th March starting at 10.00am. Come along and find a bargain.

The last quiz night of this season is on Sunday 12th March starting at 7.30pm in the Fairfax Arms. Cost is £1 per person. In aid of village hall funds.

The Annual Guided Dawn Chorus Walk is on Sunday 30th April starting at 5.30am. Cost £5 to include bacon roll and tea/coffee on return to the hall after the walk (vegetarian option available). To book please email

We will be holding a Coronation Celebration on Sunday 7th May starting from 12noon. Traditional village fair games. Bring your own picnic. The Fairfax Arms will be running a beer tent and, of course, the RSME will be running their trains. More details to follow.