
Around the World in 80 Minutes

On Friday 8th March starting at 7.30pm Other Lives Productions will present an evening of miscellaneous readings, snippets, factoids and semi-dramatisations on the theme of travel, followed by the fastest version of Jules Verne's classic…
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Upcoming Events Spring 2023

Wednesday 15th March sees Other Lives Productions returning to the hall for their performance of 'The Crazy English Weather'. Tickets are £10 and available by emailing Our next Bric a Brac Sale is on…
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Bric A Brac Sale

Our annual bric a brac sale is on 8th October 2022 from 10.00am to 11.30am. Quality secondhand items. Come along and find a bargain. Cash sales only. Refreshments available. All proceeds towards Village Hall Funds.…
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