
Coronation Fete May 2023

On Sunday 8th May we held a fete in the grounds of the village hall as our celebration for the coronation of King Charles III.    After a very cloudy grey morning, the sun came out in time for the start of the fete.   Games such as Bat the Rat, hoopla, skittles and Corn Toss were played. 

We tried to guess the name of the bear to win a beautiful teddy bear from Harrods who was wearing a very smart Union Jack jumper.   The winning name was Philippa and the bear has gone to live in Ampleforth.

The tombola was very popular as well as a treasure hunt and the train rides on the RSME railway.    The Fairfax Arms ran the bar and everyone enjoyed eating their picnics in the glorious sunshine.     The money raised at the fair will be going towards the purchase of another picnic table.