
Greening Gilling

We are working hard to make our village hall more eco friendly. Did you know we heat the hall using ground source heating? We are improving the insulation at the hall and are replacing cleaning products with eco friendly versions.

Outside the hall we have replanted a hedge, installed a bug house, a pick-your-own herb trough and have put up bird boxes. Wild flowers are being planted this year at the edge of the playing field. We recycle batteries and printer ink cartridges and are looking to expand our recycling facilities.

A number of events are coming up in 2022 on the eco theme:

Tuesday 26th April, Yorkshire Wildlife Trust are hosting a talk on making your garden more wildlife friendly.

Sunday May 8th, wildlife artist Jonathan Pomroy, will be leading a Dawn Chorus walk in the woods around Gilling.

Monday 16th May, plant swap evening.

Saturday 21st May, Repair Cafe.

Wednesday 25th May, the team behind the River Rye, Ryevitalise project will be hosting a talk on the vital work they doing along the river.

More details on each of these events will be on our Facebook Page.